Tuesday, September 12, 2006

12 September 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

Not sure when it happened but all the groups are back in the Strait and already heading back to the west. CP can see groups on the Vancouver Island spread from Kaikash Creek and almost Blinkhorn! There must have been a alot of movement last night from the time after we heard the A12s pass through Blackfish Sound.
12 Sep 2006 07:25:52 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

Around 8:30am these very interesting whales turned around a little shy of Blinkhorn. The I15s were first get get to the beaches and we suspect the A36s followed. There are whales spread out back to Critical Point and across the Strait - all moving eastward despite the ebbing tide (the tide turned at 8:30am as well). The Gikumi has found the A12s stalled off of Donegal Head. We believe the A30s,A36s,I15s,I11s,I31s,G2s,G3s,G29,G18s and G12s should be the groups in the Strait.

Distant calls audible.

We are now hearing distant A12s (not a lot of calls) in Blackfish Sound. They apparently dropped into the western end of Blackfish for a bite to eat. The other groups are still eastbound past Naka Creek.
12 Sep 2006 13:12:46 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The A12s went through Weynton Pass. They are now eastbound in Johnstone Strait. The other groups (the A30s,A36s, Gs, I11s, I15s and I31s) have continued eastward from Naka Creek.
12 Sep 2006 14:31:17 PDT