Monday, September 18, 2006

18 September 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

Nick Templeton relayed that the "Crowd" was westbound from Camp Point at around 2pm. The A30s, A12, G2s,G3,G12s,G18s,G17,G29s, I11s,I15s,I31s have been in the east for the last two days. The A36s were sighted (thanks to Discovery)quite far west in Queen Charlotte Strait today. They were foraging for most of the time observed.
18 Sep 2006 17:32:28 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

They are back! The groups are parading west past the Ecological Reseerve.
18 Sep 2006 22:18:56 PDT